
I wanna be on the list!!!

If you would like to be included on the Starcraft Utah's sc2ranks site and/or email list, please email your request to
Please include your ID and character code (i.e. GoUtes #001)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Our buddies down at the Orem Stevens Henager College are throwing a LAN Party at their campus starting at 7:00 pm on December 2! This is a BYOC so make sure you load up all your games with the latest patches before you go. Oh...and did I mention there will be 2 Starcraft 2 tournaments starting at 8:00?

More information can be found HERE

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Neumont Tournament Dec. 16, 2011

It's that time of year again folks...another Utah LAN tournament!!!  Sign up HERE and be sure to tell all your friends about this!

When:  5:00 p.m. Dec. 16, 2011 (tournament will start around 6:15 p.m.)
Where:  Neumont University, 10701 S. River Front Parkway, South Jordan, UT
What:  Starcraft II, LoL, Brawl, DoTa, and a free LAN.  Bring your own computer, network cable (make sure you get the longest one possible because switches are limited), and come with all your games loaded & ready to play.
How Much:  $10 for Starcraft II, LoL, and DoTA.  $5 for Brawl
Prizes:  TBD

This should be sweet so make sure you mark it on your calendars!  A great way to finish off the semester with a little SC2!

Barcraft Nov. 18-19

Legends will be the spot for the next Utah Barcraft on Nov. 18-19.  This will be quite the event as it is the final MLG event of the year and the winner will be walking away with $50,000!

Legends is located at 677 S. 200 W. in Salt Lake City.  The Barcraft will begin at 6:00 p.m.  It is open to all ages and will be an awesome event for everyone!

See you all there...

Friday, September 30, 2011

Neumont...No Online...YES!

Unfortunately, the Neumont Qualifier will not be occurring.  In lieu of this, GEEX will be hosting their 3rd and final qualifier online Saturday, October 8, 2011.  Please note, check-in will occur on FRIDAY October 7 from 11:00 a.m. until midnight.  Also, the tournament start time will be at 10:00 a.m. MDT.

Sign ups will still occur HERE through  Please be advised that the top 2 finishers will secure spots #5 & #6 for the finals at GEEX.  Although this tournament is free to enter for everybody, please note that you will be required to provide your own expenses to come to the expo should you be one of the 8 qualifiers.

So, we'll see you all Saturday October 8 at 10:00 a.m. MDT.  Check-in on Friday.

Pce yo's

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Spots #3 and #4 Go To...

RGNPerfect and ePValkyrie

They've secured their spots as 2 of the final 8 to be playing at GEEX on Oct. 14-15.  Congratulations to both players.  And...might I add, we have our first non-Terran player to have qualified (Perfect being the Protoss player).

GEEX will be letting us know when their LAN at Neumont will be happening.  I will post this as soon as I get any information regarding a date & time.

Friday, September 23, 2011

GEEX Announces Prize Pool

GEEX is the bomb.  Seriously...

They just posted the prize pool on their website.  I must say...holy #$%!!!!!

1st- $2,000
2nd - $1,000
3rd - $500

PC Laptops is providing the prize pool and I think I speak on behalf of the entire SC2 community when I say "THANK YOU!!!!!"  This is seriously the coolest thing ever...I know Artosis would be saying he has some serious "nerd chills" right now if he heard about this.

So, what does this mean?  SIGN UP FOR THE QUALIFIER EVENTS!!!  There are only 2 qualifiers left.  The 1st will be tomorrow (Saturday, September 24) @ 11:00 a.m. MDT and the 2nd will be at Neumont University as a Bring Your Own PC LAN Party at a date yet to be determined.  Tell everyone you know about this!  For a chance to win $2,000, all you have to do is show up.  There are no entry fees, no gimmicks, just straight up playing a game you love!  Spread the word ya'll!

Also, GEEX announced today an 8-player GEEX Invitational that will be occurring on Friday October 14, 2011 at the expo.  In lieu of having a 4th qualifier event on Friday, they have changed it to be an invitational.  To sign up for this invitational click HERE.  Now, remember, this is an INVITATIONAL.  GEEX will look at all the entry's and select whomever they deem worthy of an invite.  So, again, tell everyone and let's get the best 8 players into the Grand Finals @ GEEX.

Monday, September 19, 2011

GEEX Qualifier #2

Online Qualifier #2 is now open for sign ups.  Online Qualifier #2 will be Saturday, September 24, 2011.  Start time is 11:00 a.m.

We have done this to allow us enough time to seed the players.  If, for whatever reason, you can't check-in during this time, we will make an exception and allow you to check-in Saturday morning.  But, PLEASE, do all that you can to check-in Friday so we can start the tournament on time.  Check-in's will occur through the tournament page on z33k.  All players are to meet in the battle net channel GEEX to find their opponents.

The top 2 players will qualify for spots #3 and #4 at GEEX.

John Sloan, one of the main guys at GEEX, told the chat channel at the Online Qualifier #1 that they are working on grand prizes with PC Laptops and  It's going to be the biggest prize ever to be given at any Utah Starcraft 2 tournament.  So, let's get more than 25 players showing up to this qualifier.  Spread the word!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

And the first 2 Qualifiers are.....

Oblong & Pride!

Congratulations to both of them for fighting their way through the brackets and coming out on top.  They have secured their spots in the final 8 to be played live at GEEX.

Next online qualifier will be Saturday, September 24, 2011.  Check-in will start be from 10:00 -10:45 a.m.and we'll try to get started as close to 11:00 a.m. as we can.  We apologize for the late start today, seeding the brackets is not the easiest on  Thank you all for your patience and to those that participated in this tournament.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Starcraft 2 @ GEEX Officially Announced

Update 9-15-2011
Online Qualifier #1 will be taking the top 2 finishers to be in the finals at GEEX on October 15, 2011.  It will be your responsibility to make it to GEEX should you be one of the qualifiers.  So, please, if you sign up for any of the qualifiers, please do all that you can to make it to the finals.  In the instance that any of the 8 qualifiers can't make it to GEEX, their spot will be given to the runner-up from their qualifier.

After months of anticipation, GEEX (Gaming and Electronics Expo) is proud to now have officially announced their Starcraft 2 tournament to be held at their expo on October 14-15, 2011.

Registration is Live

There is a detailed explanation of tournament rules/formats/etc at GEEX's Tournament Page so I won't go in to too much detail about all that.  But, here is a summary:

Top 8 players from qualifier events will play LIVE  at GEEX.  Where will these qualifiers be and how can you join?

Qualifier #1:

  • Online, Bnet US Server, Saturday September 17, 2011.  Check-in will occur at 10:00-10:45 a.m. in the same place you registered
  • Start time:  11:00 a.m.
  • Bnet channel:  GEEX
  • Players will find their opponent and begin their matches according to the maps and rules laid out on GEEX's website
  • Players will report wins through the z33k tournament page and must upload their replays before beginning their next match
  • 1st and 2nd place finishers secure a spot in the Final 8 to be played at GEEX
  • Because this is an online event, we will be contacting 1st and 2nd place finishers and ensuring that they will be at the event.  In the case that 1st or 2nd place does not show up at GEEX, his/her spot will default to 3rd place (and continue down the line if necessary).
Qualifier #2:
  • Same as Qualifier #1 except it will be held on Saturday, September 24.
  • 1st and 2nd place finishers secure a spot in the Final 8 to be played at GEEX
Qualifier #3:
  • To be held at Neumont University at a date yet to be announced.  Stay tuned for further information.
  • Top 4 finishers secure a spot in the Final 8 to be played at GEEX
  • Saturday October 15 at South Towne Expo Center
  • Tournament rules can be found on GEEX's website
Well, you may all be wondering now, "What am I playing for?"  GEEX will be announcing the prizes in the near future.  I will be sure to let everyone know the second I find out for sure what the prizes are.  But, believe me, this is going to be the BIGGEST gaming event in Utah.

Help support GEEX by purchasing tickets HERE.  Spread the word to all your friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, dogs, cats, whoever.....

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Geex Oct. 14-15

gaming & electronics expo and pushbutton summit

MediaOne of Utah will be hosting their annual Gaming and Electronics Expo on October 14-15, 2011 at the South Towne Expo Center.  Announcements will be made very soon and guess what's on the main stage....
Keep your eye on GEEX's website for more information.  Prizes and tournament formats to be announced soon!  Tell EVERYONE about this.  It's gonna be sweet!  I'm going to pull an iNControl and announce an announcement!

Stay tuned....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Neumont 18 hour LAN

EDIT: I was sent an email earlier today with information about the SC2 tournament. The tournament has a $5 entry fee with all the money going to the top 3 finishers. The tournament will be held at 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. I don't know the tournament type or any more details than this. Keep checking here for more information.

Our good friends at Neumont University will be hosting an 18 hour LAN party Aug. 12-13 and you bet our favorite game will be there...Farmville!

Farmville?!?!  FARMVILLE!??!

Okay, okay, I'm totally kidding...
Starcraft 2 baby!!!  Although, I'm sure if you wanted to play Farmville, you'd find some other poor soul to play with.

Details can be found HERE.  There will be tons of games and it sounds like there will be some sweet prizes if enough money is raised.  I'm not exactly sure how to contribute to the prize pool as the entry is free and there will be food provided if there's enough money raised.  So, as soon as I find out how to contribute, I'll be sure to let you all know!

This is a BYOC, so come with your games downloaded with the latest patches so you can plug in and play with some local gamers!  Hope to see you there.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

2 More To Grandmasters!




Congrats to both of you for representing Utah oh so well!  That makes 5 players from Utah in the top 200 in NA (3 of which are top 100)!  So, give 'em all a big round of applause!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011 Tournament Wrap-Up hosted yet another successful tournament in Provo on Saturday, May 14th and yet again, NadaViKinG walks away with the 1st place prize!  All tournament details can be found here.

1st- NadaViKinG
2nd - Amandil
3rd - Meva

Congrats to the winners and a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated and helped out!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Starcraft Utah Neumont Tournament Wrap-Up

May 7th has come and gone...
The days have returned to somewhat normal...
And 3 people are richer today than they were May 6th...

The reign of the Terrans continues as NadaViKinG walks away with yet another win and $145 + GTX 440 Graphics Card + additional swag.  The beast of a Terran steam-rolled through all his opponents and, although he lost a few games, he remained undefeated in every match and took 1st without dropping to the losers bracket.  A big CONGRATS goes out to NadaViKinG for his victory.

The next Terran in line was our Grandmaster Pit.  After losing 2-0 in the 6th Round to Amandil, Pit fought his way back through the losers bracket, eventually facing and beating Amandil in the losers bracket finals and giving NadaViKinG a run for his money in the finals but falling short by a single game.  He didn't walk away empty handed though.  Pocketing $47 + GTS 250 Graphics Card + additional swag, I'm sure I saw him smile...maybe.

The 3rd runner up, Amandil, held his ground in the winners bracket all the way to the semi-finals, where NadaViKinG pushed him down (gently).  After knocking Pit to the losers bracket he faced him yet again, unable to beat him and coming up with the 3rd place prize - $22 + GTS 250 Graphics Card + additional swag.

I speak on behalf of myself, Sonde (Alex), and Tear (Anh) when I say that this event was much bigger and better than we ever imagined it to be.  Not only did we double the amount of players we were anticipating, but we received an incredible amount of free stuff from GeekBox, GEEX, NVIDIA, and Razer.  If you attended this event, you did not walk away empty-handed.  Thank you to everyone who showed up and participated in this tournament.  We hope it exceeded your expectations and we hope to see you all at our next event.  Thank you GeekBox & GEEX for sponsoring this tournament and making it a huge success.  We hope that we can participate in future events together and that you all got out of this what we did.

Last, but not least, a huge THANK YOU to Glen & JP at Neumont University for all their help.  Glen was a beast in helping us set up all the chairs/desks, hooking up all the networking, and fixing any power problems that arose.  Glen did this all out of the goodness of this heart and I know I speak for everyone when I say that it's people like Glen that made this tournament what it was.  So THANK YOU GLEN!

We look forward to future events and hope to see you all there.  Thanks again to all those that participated and we hope you enjoyed your Saturday.  Thanks to Sonde for his excellent casting and to Anh for being the backbone to Starcraft Utah.

Full brackets and tournament results can be found under the "Brackets" tab and clicking "Full Results" here.  Also, here's some videos and pictures of the event:

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Starcraft Utah's 1st BYOC Tournament

It is my pleasure to announce Starcraft Utah's 1st Official BYOC Tournament!  We here at Starcraft Utah want to provide you with the quality of tournaments you all deserve.

EDIT:  GeekBox Computers has confirmed that they will be giving away some swag at the tournament (items yet to be determined).  Add them as your friend through facebook and be sure to check their website out!  THANKS again to GeekBox Computers!

EDIT:  GEEX has confirmed that they will be giving an additional $150 towards the prize pool as well as providing t-shirts for giveaways.  A HUGE thanks to GEEX for their generous contribution and feel free to support them by visiting their website and checking out their facebook page.  Thank you GEEX!

I really wish I could express just how important this tournament is for sponsorship.  The guys over at GeekBox Computers have been really good about working with us and helping us to get great prizes.  They just need to know how many people are expected to attend this event.  If we present a good showing (at least 50 people), I really think GeekBox Computers will help us out.  They have good connections with companies such as NVIDIA and Razer.  So please, go SIGN UP HERE so we can give our sponsors a list of people in attendance.  Again, I can't express the importance of this tournament as it will set the bar for prizes and sponsorship for future tournaments.

What:  1v1 Double Elimination BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) Tournament
Where:  Neumont University, 10701 South River Front Parkway, 2nd Floor South Jordan, UT
When:  Saturday May 7, 2011.  Registration starts at 12:00 p.m., Tournament starts at 1:00 p.m.
Cost:  $5 per person.  Entry fee will cover cost for prizes & pizza!  Other food will be provided by Neumont University at your own expense.
                 Tournament hosts:  Sonde, Tear, Ignite - Feel free to ask us questions or offer suggestions!

A special THANKS to GeekBox Computers for helping us out so much.  Also, we are hoping to get some giveaway items from GEEX as well.

So please, sign up as soon as you can.  This is somewhat short notice (2 weeks), but with good attendance and the quality of games previously provided in other tournaments, I have hopes that this will spark the interest of sponsors.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Updated Links --->

I've updated the sc2ranks site because the old one never got updated.  I've also updated the link to the Utah SC2 thread on teamliquid.  Pride brought it to my attention and I had already added these links but I just forgot to let everyone know.

Utah sc2ranks - Note that on this site you can add anyone, however I'm the only one that can remove (only for security purposes.  I didn't want someone raging to come in and delete everyone).  If you wish to be deleted or messed up on adding someone, just email me at and I'll gladly help you out.

New teamliquid thread - This one will have the OP actually updated thanks to StuBob

If any of you guys want me to add links or anything to this blog to make it more user friendly just let me know.  I want to make this the best place for all-you-can-handle Starcraft Utah stuff.

Monday, April 18, 2011 Presents...

A Magitek Production:

Mark your the date...cancel all your plans!  Magitek will be hosting another Starcraft II tournament May 14th.  Check out the ad above.  Also, check out their website here.

This should be another exciting event and will hopefully result in some epic games.  Oh, and might I interject something here....will a non-Terran PLEASE represent for all of us?  (no offense Terran players)  But, if a Terran just happens to win, I'll be happy for them too.  Kinda...not really, but maybe.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Terran Representin' at the U

38 players...

3 Terrans finish in the top 3 spots.

Where's the love from all the Zerg and Protoss players?

Once again, NaDaVikinG takes 1st place, only dropping 2 games, yet winning all his matches.  Followed by Pit for second place and Pride bringing up the Terran rear with 3rd place.  Check out the brackets here.
Pit went undefeated until the semifinals, where he ran into NaDaVikinG and was dumped to the losers bracket to face Pride (who was knocked to the losers bracket in the 5th round guessed it...NaDaVikinG). 

Good Job once again NaDaVikinG and congratulations on, yet again, another victory.  Have you made up for your tuition payments yet with all the cash you're bringing in?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Zut Alors! I Have Missed One! Ok...Maybe Two!

So, it's been brought to my attention that there are 2 more Utah locals that are members of the Grand Masters League...




My apologies to them for not noticing this yesterday.  But fear not, with much patience, I will post!

Congrats gentlemen...I'm mightily impressed!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

AmandilGMMA...the Grand Master?

That's right ladies and gentleman...Utah's very own AmandilGMMA is now officially part of the elite league of Grand Master!  Truly a beast...yet still a man.  So, next time you see him, give him another slap on the butt and big congrats!

Well done Amandil...way to represent!

(Anyone else in Grand Master?)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

UofU Tour - Utah Rise of E-Sport

Proud to present to you the University of Utah Tour - Utah's Rise of E-Sport.  Shoutout to Tear for hosting such an epic tournament.

Time:     April 16th
             Registration & Check in: 11:00 am
             Games start: 12:00 pm - no-show within 15 mins after 12:00 = forfeit

Format:  1v1
              Double Elimination bracket
              Bo1 till round 8 (quarter final) then best of 3 (same for loser bracket)
              Get ready to play a lot of games

Equipments:     Feel free to bring your own
                       Only headphone not provided
                       Must have your own & Starcraft 2 account
                       There are computers available but if you prefer your own rig, then bring it!
Registration:     Free for UofU Student
                       $3 Everyone Else
                       Sign up @

Caster:            Feel free to contact Tear! He would love to get your help!

Spectator:       Welcome! Should have casters to do play by play for you!

Prize:     First Price - 50
             Second Price - 20

Sponsor:     Contact Tear at

                  72 Central Campus Dr.
                  Salt Lake City, UT 84112
                  Code: WEB
                  Building Number: 62
                  Room L130
                  Map for the room: (Under Help - LWEB Map)

This will be an awesome tournament and a special thanks goes out to Tear for hosting this tournament.  So, if you see him there, please tell him thanks for hosting such an event.  Hope to see you all there!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A Zerg??? What the.....

Zerg...what's that?  Oh yeah....I remember now.  It's that race that has yet to win any Utah Starcraft tournaments.

WHAT?!?!?  A Zerg won?  No, I don't believe it...

Who's good enough as a Zerg player to win anything?  AmandilGMMA?  The guy that streams on  One of the only 3 Zerg's in Utah's top 15 on sc2ranks?  Saawwweeeeeeeetttttttttt!

A huge congratulations goes out to AmandilGMMA for taking 1st place in the UVU tournament on March 31st. Out of about 45 players in attendance and over 100 spectators, AmandilGMMA controlled his nerves long enough to walk away with 1st place and some cash in his pocket.  Finally, our first Zerg taking a win after so many Terran's have been on top.  So, if you see AmandilGMMA, give him a huge high five, a smack on the butt, and a big congrats.

Tournament results:

1st: AmandilGMMA
2nd: NadaViKinG
3rd: TEARS
4th: Pride
5th: puresonance
6th: aikepah and Oblong

Here are a few pics from the event. Thanks Magitek for providing these pics. AmandilGMMA is in the 3rd pic...farthest away. I'm not sure who anyone else is in the pics...but thanks to everyone for supporting SC2!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

All Good Things Came In 2's for NadaViKinG

NadaViKinG has clearly proven that he's worthy of the cash he's won by roflstomping his way to the leaderboard over these last 2 tournaments. With Perfect and OnEMoReTrY somewhere in afk-land, it's good to see who will fill their shoes. My congrats go out to the Terran powerhouse NadaViKinG for his 2 great victories and for providing us with some quality local entertainment! Until next time...GG!

Also thank you Mr. Anonymous for posting the top 5 finishers of the Versus tournament.

1. nadaviking
2. pride
3. puresonance
4. mvp
5. oblong

Thursday, March 17, 2011

This Time For Real

Versus Gaming will be hosting their 3rd SC2 Tournament this Saturday, March 19th.  Details can be found in the above advertisement.  Also, notice there that will be free pizza!  Hopefully no one tried to go last week as this tournament was postponed due to the Neumont tournament (thank you Versus)!  So, be there early to ensure a spot and bring your keyboard/mouse if you would like.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Neumont University Tournament Wrap-up

1st place : NadaViKinG
2nd place: Pride
3rd place: puresonance
4th place: Oblong
5th place: KungFu
6th place: TEARS

Thank you Mr. Anonymous for posting the results of this tournament.  I had to privilege of attending this event, even though I did not participate.  I was the dork walking around with the black hoody sweatshirt.  It was an awesome event and it was good to see a decent amount of people.  Obviously, we'd like to see more in attendance, so if you weren't able to make this event, we'd love to see you at future tournaments.  A big thanks to Neumont for providing such a great venue!  Also, thanks to all those that helped run the tournament and to Sonde for his 1-man shoutcasting.  Congratulations goes out to NadaViking for coming out on top and taking home some cash!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

All Good Things Come In Two's


 So, this is my 2nd post today, but I am not complaining.  Versus Gaming will be hosting another SC2 tournament this Saturday.  Details are provided in the ad above.  Unfortunately, it's the same day as the Neumont University BYOC tournament.  So, you now face a decision:  Versus vs. Neumont.

Both provide Xbox's to play on.  Both provide hours of fun with like-minded people.  Both involve food and drinks (one free, one not).  Both are Saturday, March 12th.  Both have cash prize pools.  One is only 1v1, the other is both 1v1 and 2v2.  One costs $20, but computers and equipment are provided.  The other costs $5, but is a BYOC (bring your own computer/equipment).  One is in Provo, the other in South Jordan.  One will have live casting (Neumont), the other will not (Versus).

Unfortunately, you can't have your cake and eat it too!  It's a tough decision, almost like deciding between a Ferrari and a Lamborghini.  Both are excellent, but only one fits your style.  So, which will it be?

Either way, we hope to see you all out supporting SC2 in Utah.  Great things are on the horizon, so please, free up your Saturday afternoon and get out and support the gaming community.  I've said it before, but the more interest we have from players, the more interest we'll have from sponsors.  Sponsors = prizes.  Prizes = more players.  More players = more sponsors.  And the cycle continues.  Kind of like Lion King - it's the Circle of Life (but in a Geek kind of way and so much cooler).

UVU Tournament w/ Free Food, Casting, Prizes

Students at UVU in conjunction with the UVU Anime Club are proud to announce their Starcraft 2 Tournament event held March 31, 2011.  Check in and free game play begins at 6:00 p.m. and the tournament officially starts at 7:00 p.m.  There will be a $2 entry fee as well as a $2 tournament fee.  1st place prize is straight up cash as well as a Blizzcon Deathwing Statue.  The tournament will be played at the Student Center, Room SC206A-B.  Parking will be free after 7:00 p.m. so plan accordingly.  Free food as well  (woot! woot!)
Computers and equipment will be provided, but if you feel it necessary to bring your own keyboard, mouse, headphones, etc. please do so!  You will need to have a account so that you can play on your own account.

Hope to have an excellent turnout and good luck to all.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Friday Night All-Nighter @ Versus - Free Pizza!!!

Come and enjoy games all night and pretty much all morning!  Friday, February 25th!!!  Thank You Versus!

Neumont University Tournaments

EDIT: This IS a BYOC tournament so be sure to bring all necessary cables for connecting to the internet. Also there will be a prize pool for the top 3 players. The food costs are separate from the entry fee, so bring extra cash if you want to purchase food.

EDIT #2: Check out this website for a few more details:

March 12, 2011, Neumont University will be hosting tournaments for Magic: The Gathering, League of Legends, and our favorite:  Starcraft 2!!!  Registration for the Starcraft 2 tournament is from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. and the tournament officially starts at 1:00 p.m.  There will be a $5 entry fee for 1v1 and $10 for 2v2.  Snacks, food, and drinks will be available from "BTS, GSO, and TGG".  I don't know what this means, but food will be available.  Also, I do not know if there is a prize pool associated with this tournament or if this is a BYOC or not.  I will do what I can to find out more information.  The only Neumont University that I know is located here:

Neumont University
10701 S. River Front Parkway, Suite 300
South Jordan, UT 84095
Phone: 801-302-2800
Toll Free: 1-866-622-3448

If you have further questions, you can contact Kevin Bealer @
For registration, contact John Peppinger @
Sorry for the lack of complete information, but I will find out as much as I can.  The flier above is all that I know (sad face).  Hope to see everyone there!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chat Channels!

With the much anticipated patch 1.2 now here and chat channels have now arrived - we've established our own chat channel!  Yay!  I can tell you are all super excited about this  ;).  But, I bet you can't guess what the name of the chat channel is...


Yup, as simple as that.  So, if you're wanting to practice with some locals, chat it up with your next door neighbor, challenge any of our top players found here, or even host a small tournament, feel free to use it!

We look forward to seeing you guys there soon.  Hooray for chat channels!