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Monday, November 15, 2010

BYOC Tournament in Riverton - Dec. 21, 2010

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Another local Utah gaming enthusiasts group is hosting a large 50-man SC2 tournament with a $300 cash prize for 1st place.  Here is their recent post and contact information:

Utah Game Tournaments will be hosting an awesome 1v1 50 Player Free-For-All Single-Elimination Starcraft 2 Tournament on December 21st at Rock Creek Pizza in Riverton; the address is 1276 West 12600 South. The winner will receive $300 cash! The Tournament is scheduled to begin promptly at 9:00pm, and registration begins at 8:00pm, the first 50 individuals to come in at 8:00pm and pay the entree fee of $10 will get a secured spot, this way first come first served is honored to ensure a fair playing field. This fee is to paid in cash, and no bills above $10 dollars in value will be accepted as no change will be given. Once the fee is paid the competitor must sign a wavier protecting his/her rights and the rights of Utah Game Tournaments and Rock Creek Pizza Co. After the wavier is signed the competitor will be guaranteed a spot in the tournament, and therefore the fee is non-refundable, if the player does not show up to his/her matches, the player will forfeit the round. The rules of play will be thoroughly explained at the tournament right before the first round begins. This tournament requires that all players bring all necessary equipment to play themselves, to put it simply, they must bring everything they would need to play by themselves at home, we will be providing the network switches and internet, but the player must bring everything else, including all necessary cables for them to hook up to the network if they do not have a wireless connection adapter. The final rounds will be commentated on and filmed with Fraps. The tournament should last no more than 3 or 4 hours at the latest.
We sincerely hope to see all of you there. Make sure you let us know on our email that you plan to come, also feel free to ask any questions or express and comments or concerns. Thank you very much.

Let's fill up all 50 spots and have an awesome tournament.  Cold, hard cash doesn't come much funner than this!  Remember, it's BYOC & network cable (if you don't have wireless).  So, spread the word!

p.s.  Can we get someone that will at least give OnEMoReTrY a run for his money?!?!?  :)


  1. $300 cash prize. $10 buy in. 50 players. These numbers don't add up :\

  2. they have to pay royalties to the restaurant to host it there dude, people have to be paid to keep it open, and they have to make an initial investment to get any necessary equipment. 10 dollars is nothing, have you even seen other tournaments? its like a 20 dollar buy in for over 100 people for a 200 dollar cash prize. there is a reason he is saying largest cash prize in utah.


  3. Who is running the Starcraft Utah tournaments and will Rock Creek Pizza have food during the tournament?


  4. (Moved from where I first posted)
    I think this idea is great.. but generally there is lots of unfair play and tactics associated with Free for Alls. Take this for example:
    My base is at 9 oclock. I take my highly immobile force and hit 12 oclock. 12 oclock player yells out in chat. 9 oclock is hitting me! Go attack him! Now~ that is an everygame occurence in normal ladder ffa's. The part that gets tricky.. is that all of us are going to have friends involved in the same ffa's. Some form of cheating or unspoken alliance could ruin the competitve aspect.

    What is UtahGameTournaments stance going to be on the rules of the FFA? Whatever happens happens? Will it be more closely monitored for secret alliances?

    On a different note: Thanks a ton for putting this together. I will be attending regardless of the type of tournament... just because I love SC2 =)

  5. (Moved from where I first posted)

    Something that came to mind right after I posted my first comment..
    What if we didn't allow chatting while the match is active? Also, make it a requirement that everyones status is set to Busy so that they don't receive whispers in-game?

  6. Maybe I read it wrong, but it sounds like its a 1v1 single elim tournament, not a FFA. Clarification would be nice =d

  7. Yeah, it is a little confusing, but I'd have to agree with onemoretry in that it sounds like a 1v1 tournament. I will contact the tournament host for further clarification. I'm not sure who the tournament host is, they just emailed me their tournament announcement and so I posted it here. Keep checking back for more info!

  8. Appreciate the update Ignite. Likely I'll be there if only to get to BS about SC2 with like minded people for a few hours.

  9. Just got an email from the organizer, it is a 1v1 tournament.

  10. Ya any word on if food will be served during the tournament and if so the cost (or is it free)?

  11. WetSpot and I are probably going to show up. I'll probably be looking for friendly matches since half of us will be eliminated in the first round!

  12. I'm coming after you Gavin :)

  13. cool me and gavin got owned before semi finals aweomse!
