
I wanna be on the list!!!

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Neumont 18 hour LAN

EDIT: I was sent an email earlier today with information about the SC2 tournament. The tournament has a $5 entry fee with all the money going to the top 3 finishers. The tournament will be held at 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. I don't know the tournament type or any more details than this. Keep checking here for more information.

Our good friends at Neumont University will be hosting an 18 hour LAN party Aug. 12-13 and you bet our favorite game will be there...Farmville!

Farmville?!?!  FARMVILLE!??!

Okay, okay, I'm totally kidding...
Starcraft 2 baby!!!  Although, I'm sure if you wanted to play Farmville, you'd find some other poor soul to play with.

Details can be found HERE.  There will be tons of games and it sounds like there will be some sweet prizes if enough money is raised.  I'm not exactly sure how to contribute to the prize pool as the entry is free and there will be food provided if there's enough money raised.  So, as soon as I find out how to contribute, I'll be sure to let you all know!

This is a BYOC, so come with your games downloaded with the latest patches so you can plug in and play with some local gamers!  Hope to see you there.